Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hi everyone!

Hey guys, so have writers block too! haha
i've done the first half of my fanfic.Changed my concept. It's now real life version of cinderella, it's not exactly like the fairytale because i've changed mostly everything.haha but the theme of cinderella story is still there. Will post what i've come up with so far, later on tonight.
Hope you guys will like it.


renabrab said...

Hi Melissa.
I look forward to reading your modern-day Cinderella story. Are you planning on having a prince and a glass slipper and some ugly sisters? I loved this story as a child and am intrigued as how you will update it and what Cinderella does.

Melissa said...

Hi anne!sorry it took me so long to reply.i've been sick so been in bed all weekend..but no,my fanfic isn't actually going to be like a fairytale type thing.it's still cinderella but a modern version.it still has the same concept but totally different setting, characters and ending.haha.it's hard to explain.but hopefully you'll get it when i finally post it.Will try and get it posted by tomorrow night:D